Monday, August 2, 2010

Ex-Burglars Share Tips On Protecting Your Home From Break-Ins

This week marks the start of August, a popular vacation month for Americans. Maybe you're among the many in Hayward that will leave town for a few days -- or a few weeks.  But, before you leave your home, make sure you don't leave clues for burglars.

Sure, there's the basics like using an alarm system, locking your doors, and having a neighbor pick up your mail, but there's additional precautionary steps you should follow, too.  In a piece titled "Tips a Burglar Won't Tell You", NBC's The Today Show shares some of them. They're tips gleaned for a series of interviews with ex-convicts. 

Among the advice:

  1. Have neighbors remove fliers and other solicitations from your driveway and/or mailbox
  2. If you don't have a safe, hide valuables in a child's room -- not in a sock drawer
  3. Don't announce your vacation on Facebook, Twitter or other websites

It's impossible to protect your home from burglary completely, but you can take steps so that your home is not the most obvious target on the block. Start with common sense protection, then follow the extra tips from the video.

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